Our People

Hsu Yenting investigates the connection between sound, life, environment & ethno-culture. She adapts materials from field recordings to create audio documentaries, soundscapes & sound design for dance. Her works often have deep &intimate connection with local communities, which expose the inter reflection between culture, environmental sounds and personal/collective memories or emotions.
She was invited to present her sound practice in the symposium host by Art Research Center, UC Berkeley in 2013 & undertook residencies with the Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris in 2014 & Site Arts Tokyo in2016. In 2015 Hsu conducted a successful residency at Fremantle Arts Centre via Asialink & performed in 2016 as part of Experimenta Festival (Perth). In 2017 she presented new works in Taipei, Japan & London. She is currently undertaking a residency in NYC.