Lucy and the Lost Boy

Lucy and the Lost Boy devised and directed by Sally Richardson premiered at NICA in Melbourne in May 2012

Funny, sad; funky and edgy, with enough restraint that you can take your kids Karen Coombs - Stage Whispers

Lucy and the Lost Boy

Lucy and the Lost Boy is an innovative collaboration between staff and graduating students of the only accredited Bachelor of Circus Arts in Australia. The program is delivered by the National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA) under the artistic guidance of award winning theatre and circus director Sally Richardson. Drawing inspiration from Melbourne's iconic street art and culture, the two-hour adventure reflects and embodies the journey of urban artists cry for creative outlets. It is seen through the eyes of young protagonist Lucy who is at the crossroads of either following her parents stable stereotypical career wishes or the enticing freedom found through Flying Boy and Ladybird. It is with much audience anticipation and no accident she chooses the latter.

From start to end I found myself gradually drawn into the magical world of circus characters defying gravity through stunning body-bending acrobatics, powerful graffiti influenced dance segments alongside pumping rhythms all complemented with symbolic light projected backdrops.

Amongst the seriousness of Lucy discovering freedom and joining in acts with rebels of the Bohemian air under Flying Boy's wing, the three construction worker clowns provide appropriate comic relief as they comment on society's perception of high art, in one case ballet, as they perform their equally captivating mockery of the art form with wheelie bins for partners. It was just one of the many examples where Sally Richardson's clever direction is displayed and delivered. She is no stranger to captivating audiences from her humble beginnings in writing to theatre, puppetry, film, producing and directing with works presented on the international scale. Some of Sally's successes include H20 (Helpmann Finalist Best Visual/Physical Production, Best Presentation for Children 2004)

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✪✪✪✪  - This fabulous new production from NICA combines the beauty and excitement of extreme athleticism and great theatre..Devised and directed by physical theatre stalwart Sally Richardson it's a fantastic example of modern circus. Timeout - Melbourne

Lucy and the Lost Boy is not to be missed, It is of great entertaining value for all to enjoy, providing a fun family friendly escape into the dream we all had when we were young, if only I ran away to join the circus. Sandra Lee - SYN

Lucy and the Lost Boy, directed and devised by the impressively experienced Sally Richardson, is a creative event inspired by some of Melbourne's iconic characters of the city's infamous street art. Street Artists Urban Cake Lady's red-hooded young woman with stripy-blue leggings and Vexta's Flying Boy are two such characters brought to life in a fascinating narrative that serves as a platform for the display of the artists exploits - requiring them to be more than acrobats, but also actors, dancers and comedians. So intriguing is the imagery that at times you forget that you are watching someone swinging from a rope using little more than the strength of their ankle joint - feats that are somehow fluently interwoven into a story about a young girl who dreams of becoming an artist, runs away from home, clashes with the law and falls in love. It may not sound like the most original account but that does not matter, as the spirit of the story, which is the artist's determination to express and create despite authorities attempts to suppress, shines through. NICA's 2012 production is a collaboration of physical and visual art that reaches from the ground to the towering ceiling, making for a multi-level, three-dimensional theatre experience. It's funny, sad; funky and edgy, with enough restraint that you can take your kids Karen Coombs - Stage Whispers

Lucy wants to be an artist, but her parents don't want her to. Probably with good reason; their world is populated with artistic folk who look like they have far too much fun, are terribly fit, wear face paint and all kinds of dreadfully exciting clothes. What parent in their right mind would want that for their child? It's all a bit Peter Pan, but thanks to devisor and director Sally Richardson - Lucy & the Lost Boy, from the National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA) final year Bachelor of Circus Arts students, was sweet, funny, entertaining, engaging and exciting all at once. Everguide - Sydney


  • 2012 Lucy and the Lost Boy (premiere - NICA)


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Blue is the Colour of Desire

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