Winter Update

It's been an action packed few weeks starting with studio exploration (with Natalie Allen) on #thatwomanjulia, planning sessions with PLWA/PICA for GUI SHU (belong) premiere season and a flying visit to Melbourne to see Dispersion (NICA), Wunderage (Circus Oz), Storm Boy (MTC) and participate in VAC The Kiln program's “Safe Theatres for Independents’ Forum”.
Steamworks Director Sally Richardson heads into the rehearsal room shortly to work with Black Swan Theatre Company on the WA premiere of Kate Mulvany and Anne-Louse Sarks exciting contemporary adaptation of MEDEA. Its going to be a busy year for her with residencies coming up In Taipei, Taiwan, and the premiere of MAXIMA Circus’ CATCH! at the AWESOME Festival in October. Watch this space for fresh updates.